It is with sadness that I advise that we have just learned that John Goulder passed away in May of 2011.
Our sincere condolences are extended to his wife Thea and their family.
John, or "Joe" as we knew him at Arnolds (as in "Surfer Joe", due to his blonde hair and liking for the beach), was a draughtsman with the Engineering Dept. and along with several other young Arnold employees (including myself) at the time, was required to register for National Service.
John went to Vietnam, together with Garth Brook and, as far as I am aware, at least two others whose names escape me.
On his return to Arnolds and resuming his role with the drawing office, and in response to the standard question "What was it like over there?", I remember with great clarity John replying "I designed shit-houses for colonels"! He was one of the rare exceptions where someone actually did what their profession had trained them to do.
John left Arnolds prior to the merge with Otis and it was during our search for ex-employees in 2004 that we were fortunate in tracking him down for the reunion of 2005, which he attended (see photo, below. That is John on the extreme right, behind John Inglis and next to Stan Sek).
John, may all your days be sun-filled and may the surf always be "up".
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