Monday, April 13, 2015

VALE - Warren Watt

It is with regret that I pass on advice received from Sandra yesterday to the extent that Warren passed away at 6:35 AM Sunday 12th. of April 2015.

Warren had been very ill for some time (see earlier posting) and last Tuesday (7th. April) he suffered a massive stroke which left him in a semi-coma.

Sandra and Warren had been married for just over 52 years.

Warren (along with Clive Smith) was one of my bosses when I first went into the drawing office back in 1966/67 and we had a great working relationship right up to the time that he left Arnold's to go out on his own.
I did some drawing work for he and Sandra when they formed an architectural drafting business and Sandra was by his side not only as a wife but also as a partner (in the old sense of the word) from then until now.

I am sure that I speak for all of us who knew Warren from the "old days" when I offer sincere condolences to Sandra and her family.

How I will always think of Warren Bruce Watt - looking up the racing form on a Friday morning.

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