Wednesday, November 14, 2012

PART 15: Another oldie surfaces!

Martin at Catalina Park, Katoomba on 12th. November 2012
Between 1963 and when he left Arnolds to join Elevators Pty Ltd (EPL) in 1969, Martin Seturins was employed as a detail draftsman (or "draughtsman" as the word was spelled back then) in the drawing office at Arnold's.
He was very much into sportscars (and is still a car enthusiast, like most of we old revheads) and I recall very clearly a time when he invited a crowd of us around to his home at Meadowbank to help rewire his "bugeye" Austin Healy Sprite. More alcohol was consumed than work was done!
He is now into Alfa Romeos, one of which is a restoration project.

Martin was unable to attend the 2005 reunion and just six months ago he moved from Sydney to Lawson, in the Blue Mountains. Bob Deahm contacted him and made arrangements for the three of us to meet on Monday 12th. November. I drove up from Canberra, accepting a kind invitation from Bob and his wife Beverly to stay overnight at their Leura home.

The three of us then spent a nostalgic Monday as we revisited the old circuit at Catalina Park for the first time since we used to go to motor-racing meetings some 45 years ago. The reminiscing continued over lunch at the Lawson pub.

So I'm tickled pink to be able to add Martin to the list of those old Arnoldians and to have met up with him after such a long time.
He hasn't changed - lost a bit of weight and hair is about all. Great to see him!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

PART 14: Another name emerges!

Out of the blue I had an email from one of Arnolds Elevator Service's apprentice electricians (as was I) who was enquiring after the whereabouts of Kevin Garland.
Peter Rusanow is the gentleman's name and he worked under Kevin as an apprentice between 1963 and 1968.

It's nice to know that the website is serving a purpose and I am also pleased to be able to add another name to the "FOUND!" list.

Welcome home, Peter!

Incidentally, for those wondering where Kevin is living, it is a suburb of Brisbane.
I have contact details if you require them.

Until next time.