Saturday, October 22, 2011

PART 12: More faces - Then and Now

This update is simply a collection of photos of some of us back then and now.
I'll start off with the most recent addition, Larry Lawrence, who popped up a few weeks ago out of the blue.
Apparently Larry just Googled "Arnold Elevators" and came across the original website that I'd created after the reunion and from the information therein, he was able to contact me.
(The power of the internet is at times quite amazing.)

Larry turns 60 this year, currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, married to a lovely lady by the name of Lauren and is planning on returning to Oz for a holiday next year and, in a couple of years, permanently.

Here is Larry with wife Lauren............

Stan Sek was a bit of an outdoors type of bloke.......huntin', shootin' and fishin'.
Here's Stan with what is probably a Golden Perch, but which he'd most likely try and tell us was a Barramundi! Photo taken somewhere near Coonabarabran, circa 1972.

Stan Sek and Bruce Kennewell, Sofala, 1969-ish.
Stan loaned me one of his rifles - a semi-automatic .22 device - a Ruger, I think it was.
Only problem was that it had a fault which allowed it to fire as a fully automatic - like a sub-machine gun - and it went through a full magazine (12 rounds) in a split second! Very exciting but hard to shoot anything!

In 1972 Arnold's sponsored an entry in the inaugural Rotaract Raft Race, held on the murky waters of the Hawkesbury River, the race commencing at Windsor and ending what seemed like hundreds of kilometres down-river but was actually about 10 k's.

In the above photo, that's Lenny Payne baring his body to the sun god.
He was probably cheering with delight at our retirement, seeing that there was bugger-all wind and rowing that craft was just not a viable alternative.

Arnold's supplied the empty Shell Tellus 27 and Shell Tellus 32 five-gallon drums, the timber, fixings and welding supplies, with the raft being built after-hours at 14-16 O'Connor St. Well, it was mostly after-hours.
Clive Smith kindly lent mast, boom, sails and rigging from one of his yachts and crew-members were made up of both Arnold's staff and members of the Blacktown Rotaract Club....those who weren't also Arnold's employees!

Sadly, the brilliant move to place most of our motive power in the reliance on wind failed miserably........there was damn-all and what there was came from the wrong direction! I think we retired well before the finishing line and were revived by young maidens dispensing amber liquid.
In the above photo, Ian Davis wields an oar as he casts a concerned eye towards the stern (are we sinking already?!) and Bruce Kennewell, playing a masterly role as coxswain, rests his head against the leech of the sail as he prays for a strong breeze from astern.

PART 11: Mike Yarrington wanders up O'Connor St.

Mike Yarrington recently popped into Google Maps and took a virtual wander along O'Connor Street using Streetview.
Unless you actually worked at Arnolds or were familiar with the area back in the 1960s & 70s, you would never recognise the place.

In this first view, that plate-glass fixture on the left was the roller door to the loading dock.
The windows immediately above were in the paint shop and just beyond was the electrical shop.
The doorway near the second tree along was the main entrance to the building and the stairs.

This second shot shows the corner of the building, at Blackfriar's Lane.
The park was to the left of that lane-way, which led around the back of the building.
Do you remember the hoisting-stage on the first floor, at the back of the building?

Looking back down O'Connor Street to the Arnolds building and the new apartments on the corner where the park used to be.

The view from diagonally opposite the "park" (now the reddish apartments).

Many thanks to Mike Yarrington for providing these captures, which are also similar to those provided by John Inglis and which were featured on the original web-site.
When you've finished browsing them, here's a reminder of what it looked like in our day. Photo taken and provided by John Inglis.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Part 10: More photos from the past.

The following photos were taken when Arnolds was completing installation of the Tail Maintenance Lift in the new 747 Hangar at QANTAS Jet Base, Kingsford Smith Airport. This was around 1971.

Bob Deahm took the shots, referring to them as "Bruce doing bugger-all as he watched two blokes work!".
Bob and I would try and find as many reasons as possible to visit this job, both of us being mad aircraft enthusiasts (still are) and the new Boeing 747 being such an awe-inspiring aircraft at that time.
We couldn't remember the name of the mechanic in the overalls until after the reunion, when Garth Brook, Jack Wilson and Peter Nesbitt all identified him as Ray Burns.
But the identity of the bloke inside the lift car still eludes us. Here's an enlargement......
If you can put a name to the face, please let me know.

PART 9 - Larry Lawrence surfaces!

Out of the blue I've had an email from Larry, son of Electrical Shop foreman, Gordon Lawrence and fellow Drawing Office inhabitant.
Larry was at Arnolds for six years, staying right up until the doors closed in 1975.

Wonderful to hear from him as Bob Deahm and I tried very hard to track him down for the reunion in  2005 but without success.

His email - and a follow-up just today - advises that he is currently living in the USA, having retired a few years ago after a career as a draughtsman/cartographer with the New South Wales Public Service.
His dad passed away back in April 1999, seeing out his final years in retirement at Batemans Bay, NSW.

Larry will be back in Australia for a holiday next August and we are planning to have a few beers and a bit of reminiscing.
If anyone else is interested in joining us, I'll pop details up here closer to the date. It will be in Sydney.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

PART 8 - Arnolds Past: Photos from history

Since the reunion there have been many photos supplied to me by quite a few of those who were there on the night.
John Inglis, as well as being a fount of knowledge when it comes to Arnold's history, has been a source of most of these images. Where possible I have credited the person who provided the photo in the accompanying caption.

If you have any photos relating to your time with Arnolds please contact me, as I would love to post them here.

EARLY YEARS - 1940s, 1950s, Early 1960s.

1940's or 1950's ?
Back, L - R: Geoff Neville - Jack Gregory
Centre, L - R: ?, Charlie Doe, Bill Dowsett, Jim Tankard, Ron Jansen, ?

Front, L - R: Alan McIlwraith, Bill Orr, Jack Wilson, George Farham, Stan Butler
Sitting: ? and ?

All the way from 1955 (approx.) is a photo taken
at Risden Works, Hobart, Tasmania.
Back row, from left to right: ?, Jim Penzelle, Alex Wallace (with broom), Norm Stalder, John Inglis 
and Clive Smith.
Front row, left to right: Bill Orr, ?.
(Photo supplied by John Inglis)

c 1960 -1961
Arnolds Christmas party held in Billy Dowsett's workshop area.
L-R : Freddy Theo, Kevin Garland and Noel Crane.
In background, Jack Wilson and Aub Kennedy.
(Photo supplied by Kevin Garland)

Taken at the Dixon Restaurant
Sorry it's a bit on the smallish side but you might recognise the following, from left to right:-
? - Peter Sait - Gordon Lawrence - ? - Bill Dowsett - Ron Jansen (standing) - Jack Gregory
Jack Wilson (standing) - Jim Tankard - John Inglis - Geoff Neville - Jack Challenor - Alan McIlwraith.
(Photo supplied by John Inglis)

Mike Yarrington, Clive Smith and Leo "Ralph" Byatt
A party, but where and when (Arnolds Xmas party?)...and who are the two bod's in the background?
(Photo supplied by Mike Yarrington)

(Left to right) Kurt Gahler, Dave Rutter, Mario Segulin and Billy Orr.
Dave and Kurt would have been about 18.
Job site is unknown but looks as if it was getting an upgrade.
Get a load of that open-air circuit breaker behind Dave's head!
 (Photo supplied by Billy Orr)


Warren Watt studying the form guide.
(Photo by Bruce Kennewell)

Clive Smith in his office
(Photo by Bruce Kennewell)

This one must have been taken around 1973, because the heaters have been installed (see one on the pole, at left) and that's Lewis Hodson in the corner.
The other person was a Polish gentleman (Paul someone) who used to have strange conversations with Bob Deahm, primarily in pidgin-English, and usually finishing with Bob ending the discussion by using his only word of Polish, "Polski"!

However, Stan Sek, who is also of Polish descent had no problem in conversing with Paul. In fact, Stan taught me the only Polish I know (the spelling may be incorrect)...."Chi shlepare mishi", which means "three blind mice"! Or so Stan said. A very useful phrase in a drawing office.
(Photo supplied by Mike Yarrington)

John Gray and Bob Deahm, circa 1968
No, they're not discussing work. They're referring to Hoyle's whilst playing Pontoon!
We had to buy a book of rules to settle the bloody arguments!
(Photo by Bruce Kennewell)

It's hard to tell, but this is Rob Achurch hard at work, not Jan O'Flanagan!
(Photo supplied by Ian Davis)

Ian Davis at his drawing board. The hair is shorter and whiter these days!
 (Photo supplied by Ian Davis)

A few days before Arnolds closed its doors, 1975.
Bob Deahm, Bruce Kennewell, Larry Lawrence,
Shirley Jansen (Ellis),  Norm Tchilingurian and Bill Dyson

PART 7 - The Reunion: Photos (3)

Members of the Engineering Department/Drawing some stage of their careers with Arnolds.
(Back row, left-to-right) Norm Tchilingurian, Ian Davis, Bill Dyson.
(Middle row, left to right) Michael Heath, Bruce Kennewell, Bob Deahm, Stan Sek, John "Joe" Goulder.
(Front row, left-to-right) Mike Yarrington, Geoff Neville, John Inglis.

In the early 1970's, John Inglis undertook a trip to the United States and it took place not too long after the Palestinians started the trend of aircraft hijacks.
In effort to keep pace with modern trends, several members of the Drawing Office designed, created and presented to John a little cardboard-boxed Hijack Kit in a plain brown wrapper.
This was given to John before he boarded the plane, with a request not to open it until the aircraft was on its way. The fact that he returned safely (and was able to keep the kit) is testament to the relaxed attitude towards such practical jokes at that time. If this were to happen today, all hell would break loose!

Michael Yarrington was the Eng. Dept. photographer back
in the old days and is still a dab hand at the art.

Ian Davis, Stan Sek and Mike Yarrington.

Bill Dyson and Peter Sait.
Peter is another who looks as if he has just stepped out of 1975.

 Jack Gregory, Bob Deahm and John Inglis.
(John doesn't normally make faces!)

Ian Davis capturing the event on video.

PART 6 - The Reunion: Photos (2)

From left to right.....
Ian Davis (white hair and beard), Alan Skinner, Rodney Meek (back to camera).
Beyond Rodney is Peter Nesbitt talking to Garth Brook.
At right is Jim Rainey and, with back to camera, Kevin Garland.

Contemplating the past, perhaps? Jack Gregory and Norm Tchilingurian
in a quiet moment of reflection!

Rodney Meek, Kevin Garland and Joe Cordina.

 Dennis Murphy, with Kevin Garland beyond him and, way in the background, Ian Davis.
Then Peter Nesbitt, Irene Rainy (back to camera) and Jim Rainey.
Stan Sek partially obscured on the right hand side.
 Clive Smith on the mobile-phone. Probably taking a customer's order!

 Ian Davis (back to camera), Bill Dyson and Michael Heath.
The photographer (Ian's partner, Mary-Ann) had one sherry too many!

 Ian Davis and Bruce Kennewell, the latter wearing that original
Arnold's drawing-office dustcoat (owned by Bob Deahm)

John Inglis and Stan Sek, with John trying to hide a smile, by the looks of it!

Bruce Kennewell, John Inglis (back to camera), Stan Sek and Ian Davis.

PART 5 - The Reunion: Photos (1)

The following photos were taken on the night of the reunion - June 18th. 2005.
No particular order and the captions try to identify those in the photos - which I think we've managed to do pretty accurately.
John Inglis & Jack Gregory looking at some current photos of O'Connor Street.

From left to right: Stan Sek (grey jacket), Alan Skinner's head, Ian Davis (and partner Mary-Anne), Norm Tchilingurian (white shirt), Michael Heath (grey jacket), Bill Dyson listening to Norm, Peter Sait (also listening to Norm) and Clive Smith (striped collar).
In the far right-hand corner is a group comprising Ray Hesp, Peter Rasdall, Tony Willis and Fabio Marchionni.
The picture is continued below.........
Again from left-to-right.....
 Norm Tchilingurian talking with Bill Dyson and Peter Sait, with Michael Heath seated, back to camera. Then in that back corner is Charlie Giagodi, Ray Willis, Peter Rasdall
 Fabio Marchionni (check jacket, looking at camera), Ray Hesp, Dante Coretti and Geoff Neville (standing). Behind Geoff is Mrs. Cordina and Joe Cordina (leaning on table).
 In the foreground is Clive Smith and Geoff's wife, Daphne. The red-sleeved arm in the extreme right belongs to Peter Nesbitt and the collection of scalps in the foreground are

Hass Amburlah, Mrs. Amburlah and Fabio Marchionni.

From left to right.....
Ian Davis and partner Mary-Anne, Joe Cordina in background, Bob Deahm talking to Stan Sek with Geoff Neville's head in background. Stan's wife partly obscured by Stan.
In the right-hand corner are Fabio Marchionni and Dante Coretti.

Ian Davis and Michael Heath share a laugh next to a pair of original
Arnold "AES" overalls (owned by Bob Deahm).

Bruce Kennewell wearing an original AES
white dustcoat (owned by Bob Deahm).